Five Reasons to buy Things Take Time, Take Time by Courtney Barnett - Indie Vinyl Den

Five Reasons to buy Things Take Time, Take Time by Courtney Barnett

Besides the great price we have, here are 5 reasons to buy Courtney Barnett's latest record:

  1. Courtney Barnett's unique songwriting style: Barnett's lyrics are often witty, clever, and self-deprecating, which sets her apart from other artists in the indie rock genre.

  2. The album's themes of self-reflection and personal growth: Things Take Time, Take Time is full of introspective lyrics that explore Barnett's own experiences and emotions.

  3. The album's lo-fi production: The album was recorded in Barnett's own home studio, which gives it a raw and unpolished feel that adds to its charm.

  4. The album's diversity of sound: Things Take Time, Take Time features a mix of different genres, including indie rock, folk, and country, which keeps the listener engaged throughout the album.

  5. The album's critical acclaim: Things Take Time, Take Time received positive reviews from critics and was praised for its songwriting, lyrics, and Barnett's unique vocal style.

Buy it now!

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