Indie Vinyl Den Essential Indie Albums: LIZ PHAIR – “EXILE IN GUYVILLE” - Indie Vinyl Den

Indie Vinyl Den Essential Indie Albums: LIZ PHAIR – “EXILE IN GUYVILLE”

Liz Phair was an instant hit with her debut record, Exile in Guyville, when it was released in 1993. The critics and fans loved it, and Rolling Stone even added it to their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list. Pitchfork named it one of best records of the 1990s. 

All Music says that Guyville feels big, bold, and colorful--not the beginning of something, but rather the culmination of fearless bedroom exploration.

Rolling Stone writes “It's no surprise, given how developed Guyville is for a debut, that Phair's playful arrangements and lyrical incision were there from the jump. Her voice expands from singsong to confident as she figures out just what it can do. ... Due to Phair's songwriting and enduring cultural salience (and Wood's production), the album has aged better than the work of her peers. Phair was initially derided for being too pop, but that's what gives Guyville both timelessness and grace.”

Phair paved the way and continues breaking down the gender line in Indie music. She is a complete musician. Exile in Guyville is a record you should own.

Buy Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville

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