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Mountain Goats - All Eternals Deck Vinyl Record

Mountain Goats - All Eternals Deck Vinyl Record

Regular price $ 20.88 USD
Regular price $ 22.99 USD Sale price $ 20.88 USD
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The Mountain Goats are a trio from the mid-Atlantic and points north, helmed by John Darnielle (“one of America’s most startling lyricist/poets” —Boston Herald) and kept honest by Peter Hughes and Jon Wurster. Though the Mountain Goats have been making records since the battle of Little Big Horn, All Eternals Deck is their third following the ratification by unanimous vote of their trio lineup (the bill, known as the Jon Wurster Mountain Goats Drummer Act of 2007, passed 2–0 with zero abstentions).

Having taken to the open road as soon as the act was signed into law and consolidated their powers into a focused triune weapon, the three spent 2010 making commando raids on studios up the seaboard from Tampa to Boston, recording along the way with producers John Congleton, Brandon Eggleston, Erik Rutan and Scott Solter. Gravitating toward images and stories of doomed people or tribes trying to leave a scratch mark or two on some visible surface before their brief moment in the sun has slipped by forever, All Eternals Deck continues Darnielle’s career-long quest to find hard-won moments of joy in the momentary resolve of people who have recognized, in the glare of a train’s oncoming headlamp, their fate.


1 Damn These Vampires (3:24)
2 Birth of Serpents (3:08)
3 Estate Sale Sign (2:47)
4 Age of Kings (4:14)
5 The Autopsy Garland (2:51)
6 Beautiful Gas Mask (3:53)
7 High Hawk Season (2:56)
8 Prowl Great Cain (3:15)
9 Sourdoire Valley Song (3:38)
10 Outer Scorpion Squadron (2:32)
11 For Charles Bronson (3:01)
12 Never Quite Free (3:30)
13 Liza Forever Minnelli (3:20)

Shipping & Returns

We ship within two business days when possible. Remember, Media Mail is cheap but gets very little love from the postal service. Expect long waits and few tracking updates. We recommend USPS Priority or UPS Ground.

Thirty days if unopened, you pay the postage to us. If the item is defective or the delivery person folded it, please reach out ASAP for us to fix the issue. After 30 days, you own it!

Care Instructions

Keep away from the sun.

Never place it next to a Justin Bieber record.

Treat it like your grandma, you know if she was a record. Know what I mean? Tender care, don't talk back, and never interupt during Murder She Wrote. Wait - what the hell was I writing about-

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